Monday, August 28, 2023

Changing the Recipe for Disaster

I am just going to be candid here. 

We, as a nation and, more importantly, HUMAN BEINGS, should be paying attention to what has been, is, and will be happening around us. Let me preface all of this by saying, I have no “inside scoop” or secret connections to information. This is 100% my opinion, which, last I checked, we can still voice unless that right has ripped away from us, too. What I’m about to word vomit out is based off years of observations that are sprinkled with a dash of fear, a pinch of skepticism, 2 tablespoons of denial, and 3 cups of “there’s no damn way”, which has created the recipe of a reality that not only looks and tastes like sh*t, it will make you physically sick and eventually kill you. Yet, we all seem to be ok with continuing to poison ourselves with it, because it’s supposed to ultimately be "good for us" and "everyone is doing it".

Ok, hear me out.

We live in a split nation. Yes, no news there. That’s been a thing for many decades, but somehow, someway, we have made it worse by creating more splits. The divide isn’t just between left and right. It isn’t just among religious beliefs. It isn’t just about race or sexual preference. We, as human beings, have hit an all-time low. We can try to blame it on the pandemic: vaxed vs. unvaxed/masks vs. no masks. We can try to blame it on aliens and weird storms. The list goes on. But if you really think about it, the hate goes so much deeper than disagreements over "sides" and opinions. I am of the belief that there's a hidden agenda behind why it's gotten so out of hand.

Let me explain.

Have you ever gotten into a massive argument with your loved one where you’re both screaming and pulling out the most hurtful and awful things just to hurt them more and prove your point, only to realize you don’t remember your point OR even the reason you started fighting to begin with?Meanwhile, as you are so focused on proving your point, you are distracted from this horrific storm that has been brewing outside that has the potential to destroy your home, your town, your life. If you just stopped for a minute and paid attention to it, you could have a shot at protecting it all, but you’re too hyper focused on that damn point to notice?

Stop fighting for a second. No one, but you, cares about your point anyway. Look around. We are all screaming about something we don’t agree with. For what? To win? To win what? All the while, the world has been changing. There’s a shift and it isn’t just one thing. It isn’t just our terrifying economy. It isn’t just the crazy weather. It isn’t just opinions about the odd disasters that have hit our beautiful country. The shift is ALL things. And we are too busy disagreeing with each other to notice it.

We are in the Great Distraction.

An example of the ultimate blindside; in the midst of this massive argument with your loved one, your child comes up to you and says “Mommy, did I do this math homework right?” You look and he has: 1 + 2 = 4.  In your gut, you know it’s wrong, but because 1) you’re distracted and 2) life-stress has whittled your patience level down to 0.01, and 3) you Googled it and all the websites said “4 is the new 3 and 3 can never be the answer to a math question”. You have now reluctantly convinced yourself that the answer is 4, even though your brain screams... No. It’s 3!!!

But because of being hyper focused elsewhere, along with lack of patience and especially since GOOGLE SAID, you tell him his answer is correct. Days go by with you ignoring the sinking feeling of doubt, but eventually you believe 1 + 2 = 4.

The point?

We have become so dependent on what we are told or what we read or watch, we have stopped listening to and trusting our own mind and gut. We are questioning our own memories, personal experiences, feelings, thoughts and relying on outside information to dictate how we should respond and react. And now it’s Google says. CNN says. YouTube says. TikTok says. Facebook says. X/formerly known as Twitter says.

And so it is.

Have we ever thought for a moment that those avenues for getting information may not be looking out for our best interest but instead sharing “information” to help formulate the thoughts, the opinions, the ACTIONS to generate a desired result?  A result of numbness. Of anger. Of rage. Of indifference. And the worst, making us feel like we must make a decision (between left and right, vaxed or no vaxed, etc.) This desired state of mind takes us away from all things POSITIVE, HOPEFUL, PRODUCTIVE, CARING and ALL THINGS UNITED.

It's worked. Here we are. And the storm is brewing around us that we continue to ignore, while exerting efforts elsewhere. We need to remember that there was a time where human's survived without technology, without the internet, without news, without outside information to assist in survival and they used their brains to do so. Crazy concept, I know. Our brains are powerful and we've stopped using them for basic things including listening to our own thoughts and forming our own opinions.

Look, I don’t know what is actually going in the world. I see and read things through news media. I see and watch things on social media; global warming, corrupt government, weather tampering, alien invasions, US dollar plummeting in value, the “Elites” running the world….and then some. There are lots of rumors, conspiracy theories, all likely with some truths hidden beneath. I’ve been down too many rabbit holes to count. So many, in fact, I had to stop, because I began to question how we are still in existence as a human race!

What I actually DO know (and I believe this will 100% of my being) those who continue to be hell-bent on winning their personal battles (proving their points), will be the first to lose the war on humanity. We must stop consuming this recipe for disaster and buying into what we are told and putting more effort inward on what brings us hope, love and joy. This isn’t sticking your head in the sand and seeing rainbows and unicorns. This is recognition of the storm that is brewing. This is recognition of facts that are in our face, up close and personal such as families struggling to make ends meet, increased hate crimes, human trafficking, food prices skyrocketing, homelessness at an all-time high, a spike in natural disasters in conjunction with humans creating devastation. This is a recognition along with a reality check that we can’t change the economy overnight nor do we have control over most of the bad things that are happening. It's recognition that our constitutional rights are slowly being stripped from us. And with all the media avenues of misinformation and manipulation at every turn, our thoughts, our memories, and our feelings are being crafted to be one of conformity. 

Who is the real enemy here? And what can we do to fight?

It starts with a shift of mindset. We can change is how we respond, react, and choose to live moving forward. One day at a time.

What if, instead of waking up tomorrow with dread, we find a glimmer of hope? What if we alter our own daily recipe to include gratitude and forgiveness? What if we turn external blame into inner reflection? What if we collectively choose to change the daily narrative to one of acceptance of each other? What if we all did one small good deed a week for someone else? What if we all realize that it's better to be kind, than right? What if we all just started listening to ourselves again and lead with our hearts, our gut, resetting moral compasses and reprioritizing our own life's purpose?

What if, as this fractured, negative, hate-filled world shifts one way, we shift along with it in the opposite direction? Even if it means starting from scratch, together, we can shift the balance. Imagine the power we'd have being united standing up for our basic human rights vs. exerting energy into being irritated over a neighbor's choice in flags. 

This blog is the first step of me rolling up my sleeves and getting started. 

Who else is craving a little hope?